Grapefruit Pink

This oil is my trademark oil when I go office talk and school talk. The scent bring laughter and joy to people. Is one of my top note citrus oil.

Grapefruit Pink oil is a very high antioxidant oil and also known to be the purest oil that is often included as part of massage blend to reduce cellulite. It also helps to reduce water retention.

The aroma of grapefruit pink oil is refreshing, euphoric, energizing and uplifting. This in turn can help to calm one down both emotionally and mentally. It brightens up the spirits, clear nervous exhaustion and stress. It aids in increasing self-esteem and bolstering confidence.

1) 1 drop of Lavendula vera and 1 drop of Grapefruit pink in water as a final rinse after shower.
2) 2 drops of Grapefruit pink and 1 drop of Lavendula vera onto a piece of tissue. Put the tissue in your bedroom half an hour before you sleep. Turn on aircon... mmmm....niceeee....
3) 1 drop of each oil onto a piece of tissue, keep the tissue in pocket. It becomes a natural perfume, as your body heat will diffuse the lovely aroma...don't be surprised even stranger will smile at you :)


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